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"10px" : "0"}; } .essential_annoucement_bar_slide_${config.id} { gap: 10px; } .essential_annoucement_titles_outside_wrapper_${config.id} { padding: 0; } .essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_${config.id} { display: none!important; } } @keyframes runningLine { from { -moz-transform: translateX(100%); -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); transform: translateX(100%); } to { -moz-transform: translateX(-100%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); transform: translateX(-100%); } } @keyframes runningLine2 { from { -moz-transform: translateX(0); -webkit-transform: translateX(0); transform: translateX(0); } to { -moz-transform: translateX(-200%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-200%); transform: translateX(-200%); } } ${smallerOnMobile(config, styleConfig)} ${customCssStore()} `; let addedCss = ""; if (config.announcementType === "rotating") { config?.announcements?.forEach((announcement, index) => { if (announcement.icon) { let iconClass = ` .essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id}_rotating_${index} { height: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; width: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; display: flex !important; ${ !config.style.icon?.originalColor && announcement.icon.includes(".svg") && !announcement.icon.includes("/payment-icons") && !announcement.icon.includes("/app-stores") ? `background-color: ${config.style.icon?.color.hex}; -webkit-mask-image: url('${announcement.icon}'); -webkit-mask-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; -webkit-mask-position: center; mask-image: url('${announcement.icon}'); mask-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-position: center; ` : "" } ${ config.style.icon?.originalColor || announcement.icon.includes("/payment-icons") || announcement.icon.includes("/app-stores") || !announcement.icon.includes(".svg") ? `background-image: url('${announcement.icon}'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px;` : "" } } `; addedCss += iconClass; } }); } const addIconWrapperToCss = (config.announcementType === "simple" && config.icon) || (config.announcementType === "rotating" && config?.announcements?.some((announcement) => !!announcement?.icon)); const iconBackgroundColor = () => { if ( config.style.icon?.background?.alpha !== undefined && parseFloat(config.style.icon?.background?.alpha) < 1 ) { return config.style.icon?.background?.rgba; } else { return config.style.icon?.background?.hex; } }; if (addIconWrapperToCss) { addedCss += ` .essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id} { display: flex !important; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 4px; margin-right: -13px; border-radius: ${config.style.icon?.cornerRadius}px; background-color: ${iconBackgroundColor()}; } @media (max-width: 620px) { .essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id} { margin-right: -4px; } } `; } if (config.announcementType === "simple" && config.icon) { addedCss += ` .essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id} { height: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; width: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; display: flex !important; ${ !config.style.icon?.originalColor && config.icon.includes(".svg") && !config.icon.includes("/payment-icons") && !config.icon.includes("/app-stores") ? `background-color: ${config.style.icon?.color.hex}; -webkit-mask-image: url('${config.icon}'); -webkit-mask-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat; -webkit-mask-position: center; mask-image: url('${config.icon}'); mask-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px; mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-position: center;` : "" } ${ config.style.icon?.originalColor || config.icon.includes("/payment-icons") || config.icon.includes("/app-stores") || !config.icon.includes(".svg") ? `background-image: url('${config.icon}'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: ${config.style.icon?.size}px;` : "" } } `; } if (config.announcementType === "running-line") { appdedCss(css); } else { appdedCss(css + addedCss); } } function initAnnoucmentBar( config, placementNode, appBlockId = "", mountRotatingAnnouncementBar ) { const title = config.title; const titleLength = title.length || 20; const titleLengthRatio = Math.ceil(100 / titleLength); const animationSpeed = config.animationSpeed || config.animationSpeed == 0 ? config.animationSpeed : 80; const rotateDuration = isNaN(parseInt(config.rotateDuration)) ? 4 : parseInt(config.rotateDuration); const animationSpeedReversed = 100 - animationSpeed; const slowAnimationDuration = titleLength * animationSpeedReversed; const fastAnimationDuration = slowAnimationDuration / 16; const animationDuration = titleLengthRatio < 10 ? fastAnimationDuration : slowAnimationDuration; const runningLineItems = titleLengthRatio < 10 ? 10 : titleLengthRatio; const announcementBar = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); const titleTagChangeFlag = config.createdAt && new Date(config.createdAt).getTime() > 1704971931000; const titleTag = () => { if (Shopify?.shop === "fd6f42-4.myshopify.com") { return "h4"; } if (titleTagChangeFlag) { return "div"; } return "h2"; }; if (announcementBar && config.announcementPlacement !== "custom") { return; } try { let localStorageData = window.localStorage.getItem( `essentialAnnoucementBarClosed_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); localStorageData = JSON.parse(localStorageData); if ( localStorageData && localStorageData.id === config.id && localStorageData.updatedAt === config.updatedAt && localStorageData.value ) { return; } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } if (config.announcementPlacement) { if (config.announcementPlacement === "home-page" && !isHomePage) { return; } if (config.announcementPlacement === "all-products" && !isProductPage) { return; } if ( config.announcementPlacement === "all-collections" && !isCollectionPage ) { return; } } let wrapper = create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id} essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, }, }); if ( config.style.position === "top-page" && config.announcementPlacement !== "custom" ) { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " top_page", }, }); } if (config.type === "cart-page" && !isCartPage) { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " cart_drawer", }, }); } if (config.style.position === "top-page" && config.type !== "cart-page") { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " top_page_styles", }, }); } if ( config.style.position === "top-page" && config.style.stickyBar && config.announcementPlacement !== "custom" ) { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " top_page_sticky", }, }); } if ( config.style.position === "bottom-page" && config.announcementPlacement !== "custom" ) { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " bottom_page", }, }); } if (config.style.position === "bottom-page") { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " bottom_page_styles", }, }); } if ( config.CTAType === "clickable" && config.CTALink && config.announcementType !== "rotating" ) { wrapper = update(wrapper, { attributes: { className: " clickable", }, events: { click: (event) => { event.preventDefault(); if (!event.target.closest("button") && config.CTALink) { window.location.href = ctaHref(config.CTALink, config.createdAt); } }, }, }); } const mainContentWrapper = create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_main_content_wrapper_${config.id}`, }, children: [ config.icon && config.announcementType !== "running-line" && create({ tag: "div", attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id}`, className: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "div", attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id}`, className: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id}`, }, }), ], }), ], appendTo: wrapper, }); const TitlesOutsideWrapper = create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_titles_outside_wrapper_${config.id}`, }, appendTo: mainContentWrapper, }); if (config.announcementType === "simple") { create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_titles_wrapper_${config.id} ${ !config.subheading ? "center" : "" }`, }, children: [ create({ tag: titleTag(), attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_title_${config.id}`, className: titleTagChangeFlag ? `essential_annoucement_bar_title_container_${config.id} h2` : "", textContent: config.title, }, }), config.subheading && create({ tag: "p", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_subheading_${config.id}`, textContent: config.subheading, }, }), ], appendTo: TitlesOutsideWrapper, }); } else if (config.announcementType === "running-line") { const hasEmptySpaces = (inputString) => /\s{2,}/.test(inputString); const replaceSpacesWithHTML = (inputString) => { const safeInputString = inputString .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); const spaceRegex = / +/g; return safeInputString.replace(spaceRegex, (match) => { let spaceCount = match.length; if (spaceCount > 1) { return ``; } else { return match; } }); }; create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_running_line_wrapper_${config.id}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_running_line_title_${config.id}`, }, children: Array.from(Array(runningLineItems).keys()).map(() => create({ tag: "span", attributes: hasEmptySpaces(config.title) ? { innerHTML: replaceSpacesWithHTML(config.title) } : { textContent: config.title }, }) ), }), create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_running_line_title_${config.id}`, }, children: Array.from(Array(runningLineItems).keys()).map(() => create({ tag: "span", attributes: hasEmptySpaces(config.title) ? { innerHTML: replaceSpacesWithHTML(config.title) } : { textContent: config.title }, }) ), }), ], appendTo: TitlesOutsideWrapper, }); } else if (config.announcementType === "rotating") { create({ tag: "div", attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_slider_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__track essential_annoucement_bar_glide__track_${config.id} essential_annoucement_bar_glide__track_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "ul", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__slides essential_annoucement_bar_slider_container_${config.id}`, }, children: config.announcements.map((announcement, index) => create({ tag: "li", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__slide essential_annoucement_bar_slide_${ config.id } ${ announcement.CTAType === "clickable" && announcement.CTALink ? "clickable" : "" }`, }, ...(announcement.CTAType === "clickable" ? { events: { click: (event) => { event.preventDefault(); if ( !event.target.closest("a") && announcement.CTALink ) { window.location.href = ctaHref( announcement.CTALink, config.createdAt ); } }, }, } : {}), children: [ announcement?.icon && create({ tag: "div", attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id}_rotating_${index}`, className: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_container_${config.id}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "div", attributes: { id: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id}_rotating_${index}`, className: `essential_annoucement_bar_icon_${config.id}_rotating_${index}`, }, }), ], }), create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_titles_wrapper_${ config.id } ${!announcement.subheading ? "center" : ""}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: titleTag(), attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_title_${ config.id } ${ titleTagChangeFlag ? `essential_annoucement_bar_title_container_${config.id} h2` : "" }`, textContent: announcement.title, }, }), announcement.subheading && create({ tag: "p", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_subheading_${config.id}`, textContent: announcement.subheading, }, }), ], }), announcement.CTAType === "button" && create({ tag: "a", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_cta_${config.id}`, href: ctaHref( announcement.CTALink, config.createdAt ), textContent: announcement.buttonText || "", }, }), ], }) ), }), ], }), create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_${config.id} essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, }, children: [ create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrow essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_prev_${config.id} essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_prev_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, }, children: [prevButtonIconSVG(config.style.arrowIconColor)], }), create({ tag: "div", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrow essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_next_${config.id} essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_next_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, }, children: [nextButtonIconSVG(config.style.arrowIconColor)], }), ], }), ], appendTo: TitlesOutsideWrapper, }); } if (config.CTAType === "button" && config.announcementType !== "rotating") { create({ tag: "a", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_cta_${config.id}`, href: ctaHref(config.CTALink, config.createdAt), textContent: config.buttonText, }, appendTo: mainContentWrapper, }); } if (config.closeButton) { create({ tag: "button", attributes: { className: `essential_annoucement_bar_close_button_${config.id}`, }, events: { click: (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const announcementBar = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); if (announcementBar) { announcementBar.parentNode.removeChild(announcementBar); try { window.localStorage.setItem( `essentialAnnoucementBarClosed_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, JSON.stringify({ value: true, id: config.id, updatedAt: config.updatedAt, }) ); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } } }, }, children: [closeButtonIconSVG(config.style.closeIconColor)], appendTo: wrapper, }); } appendAnnoucementBarCss(config, animationDuration); if (placementNode) { placementNode.prepend(wrapper); } else { const defaultPlacementNode = document.querySelector( ".essential-announcement-bar-placement" ); if (defaultPlacementNode) { defaultPlacementNode.prepend(wrapper); } else { document.querySelector("body").prepend(wrapper); } } if (config.announcementType === "rotating") { const sliderTrack = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_glide__track_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); const slideArrows = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); const prevArrow = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_prev_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); const newxArrow = document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_glide__arrows_next_${config.id}_${appBlockId}` ); sliderTrack.setAttribute("data-glide-el", "track"); slideArrows.setAttribute("data-glide-el", "controls"); prevArrow.setAttribute("data-glide-dir", "<"); newxArrow.setAttribute("data-glide-dir", ">"); // if glide library exists if (typeof Glide === "function") { const glide = new Glide( `#essential_annoucement_bar_slider_${config.id}_${appBlockId}`, { type: "carousel", animationDuration: window.essentialAnimationDuration ? window.essentialAnimationDuration : 400, autoplay: rotateDuration * 1000, } ); window.addEventListener("load", () => { glide.mount(); if (config.type === "cart-page" && !isCartPage) { const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((value) => { glide.update(); }); resizeObserver.observe( document.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id}` ) ); } }); if (mountRotatingAnnouncementBar) { setTimeout(() => { glide.mount(); }, 200); } } } } function addAnnouncementBar() { const announcementBlocks = document.querySelectorAll( "div.essential-announcement-block" ); const canShowOnProduct = (config) => { if (config.showOnProducts && config.showOnProducts.length !== 0) { const pathname = decodeURI(window.location.pathname); const productData = window.essentialAnnouncementMeta?.productData; const productID = productData?.id; const showOnProduct = config.showOnProducts.find((product) => { if (productID && product.id) { return product.id.includes(productID); } if (typeof pathname.endsWith === "function") { return pathname.endsWith(`products/${product.handle}`); } else { return pathname.includes(`products/${product.handle}`); } }); if (!showOnProduct) { return false; } } if ( config.showOnProductsInCollections && config.showOnProductsInCollections.length !== 0 ) { const productCollections = essentialsMeta.productCollections || []; const showOnProduct = config.showOnProductsInCollections.find( (collection) => { const collectionId = Number(collection.id.split("/").pop()); return productCollections.some( (product) => product.id === collectionId ); } ); if (!showOnProduct) { return false; } } return true; }; const canShowOnCollection = (config) => { if (config.showOnCollections && config.showOnCollections.length !== 0) { const pathname = decodeURI(window.location.pathname); if ( !essentialsMeta?.templateName.includes("collection") && Shopify?.shop === "moose-marketplace.myshopify.com" ) { return false; } const showOnCollection = config.showOnCollections.find((collection) => pathname.includes(`collections/${collection.handle}`) ); if (!showOnCollection) { return false; } } return true; }; const canShowInCountry = ( config, clientCountry, isClientCountrySelected ) => { if ( config.locationType === "on-countries" && !clientCountry && (Shopify.shop === "06567d-08.myshopify.com" || Shopify.shop === "zydrunas-test-store2.myshopify.com") ) { return false; } if ( (config.locationType !== "on-countries" && !isClientCountrySelected) || !clientCountry ) { return true; } if ( config.locationType === "on-countries" && isClientCountrySelected && config?.showInCountries?.includes(clientCountry) ) { return true; } return false; }; const getCleanTranslation = (translation) => { const cleanedTranslation = Object.keys(translation).reduce((acc, key) => { if ( translation[key] !== null && translation[key] !== "" && !["id", "itemId", "itemType", "locale"].includes(key) ) { acc[key] = translation[key]; } return acc; }, {}); return cleanedTranslation; }; getConfig().then(async (configs) => { if (!configs) { return null; } const isCountriesSelected = configs?.some( (announcement) => announcement.locationType === "on-countries" ); let clientCountry; if (isCountriesSelected) { try { clientCountry = await essentialFetchGeolocation(); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching geolocation:", error); } } const isClientCountrySelected = configs?.some( (announcement) => announcement.showInCountries && announcement.showInCountries.includes(clientCountry) ); configs.forEach((config) => { const translationType = config.announcementType === "rotating" ? "list" : "single"; const itemType = config.announcementType; if (config.translations && config.translations.length > 0) { if (translationType === "single") { const translation = config.translations.find( (translation) => translation.locale === Shopify?.locale && translation.itemType === itemType ); if (translation) { Object.assign(config, getCleanTranslation(translation)); } } if (translationType === "list") { const items = config.announcements; items.forEach((item) => { const translation = config.translations.find( (translation) => translation.locale === Shopify?.locale && translation.itemType === itemType && translation.itemId === item.id ); if (translation) { Object.assign(item, getCleanTranslation(translation)); } }); } } }); const appEmbeds = configs.filter( (config) => config.announcementPlacement !== "custom" && config.type !== "cart-page" ); const appBlocks = configs.filter( (config) => config.announcementPlacement === "custom" || config.type === "cart-page" ); const cartPageAnnouncements = configs.filter( (config) => config.type === "cart-page" ); if ((configs && !Array.isArray(configs)) || configs.length === 0) { return null; } if (isCartPage) { cartPageAnnouncements.forEach((announcementBarConfig) => { const root = window.Shopify?.routes?.root || "/"; const cartFormAll = document.querySelectorAll( `form[action="${root}cart"]` ); const cartPageTopPlacementNode = cartFormAll[cartFormAll.length - 1]; const codeSnippetUsed = document.querySelector( `div.essential-announcement-block[id="${announcementBarConfig?.id}"]` ); if ( !codeSnippetUsed && announcementBarConfig && announcementBarConfig.announcementPlacement !== "custom" && isAnnouncementActive(announcementBarConfig) && canShowInCountry( announcementBarConfig, clientCountry, isClientCountrySelected ) ) { initAnnoucmentBar( announcementBarConfig, cartPageTopPlacementNode.parentNode ); } }); } if (sideCartNode() && !isCartPage) { const cartPageTopPlacementNode = sideCartNode(); let announcementBarsAdded = []; cartPageAnnouncements.forEach((announcementBarConfig) => { if ( announcementBarConfig && announcementBarConfig.announcementPlacement !== "custom" && isAnnouncementActive(announcementBarConfig) && canShowInCountry( announcementBarConfig, clientCountry, isClientCountrySelected ) ) { initAnnoucmentBar(announcementBarConfig, cartPageTopPlacementNode); announcementBarsAdded.push(announcementBarConfig); } }); const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { placementNode = sideCartNode(); announcementBarsAdded.forEach((config) => { if ( placementNode && !placementNode.querySelector( `.essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper_${config.id}` ) ) { initAnnoucmentBar(config, placementNode, "", true); } }); }); if (announcementBarsAdded.length > 0) { let observerParentLimit = 3; if ( cartPageTopPlacementNode && Array.from(cartPageTopPlacementNode.classList).includes( "cart-drawer__items" ) ) { observerParentLimit = 1; } let count = 0; let currentPlacementNode = cartPageTopPlacementNode; while ( currentPlacementNode.parentNode && currentPlacementNode.parentNode.tagName !== "BODY" && currentPlacementNode.parentNode.tagName !== "HTML" && count < observerParentLimit ) { currentPlacementNode = currentPlacementNode.parentNode; count++; } const observerNode = currentPlacementNode; observer.observe(observerNode, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); } } appEmbeds.forEach((announcementBarConfig) => { if ( announcementBarConfig && isAnnouncementActive(announcementBarConfig) && canShowOnProduct(announcementBarConfig) && canShowOnCollection(announcementBarConfig) && canShowInCountry( announcementBarConfig, clientCountry, isClientCountrySelected ) ) { initAnnoucmentBar(announcementBarConfig); } }); // loop through announcementBlocks and if it's in appBlocks then initAnnoucmentBar announcementBlocks.forEach((announcementBlockNode) => { const config = appBlocks.find( (config) => config.id === announcementBlockNode.getAttribute("id") ); // get parent node id find by class shopify-app-block const appBlockParentNode = announcementBlockNode.closest(".shopify-app-block"); // get parent node id if appBlockParentNode exist const appBlockParentNodeId = appBlockParentNode ? appBlockParentNode.getAttribute("id") : ""; if ( config && isAnnouncementActive(config) && canShowOnProduct(config) && canShowOnCollection(config) && canShowInCountry(config, clientCountry, isClientCountrySelected) ) { initAnnoucmentBar( config, announcementBlockNode, appBlockParentNodeId ); } }); }); } const essentialFetchGeolocation = async () => { let clientCountry; try { const geolocationUrl = "https://essential-announcement-bar.cc/api/geolocation"; const response = await fetch(geolocationUrl); if (response.headers.has("country")) { clientCountry = response.headers.get("country"); } } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching geolocation", error); } return clientCountry; }; function hasEnded(config) { if (!config.endDate) { return false; } const currentDate = new Date().getTime(); const endDate = new Date(config.endDate); return currentDate >= endDate; } function isScheduled(config) { if (!config.startDate) { return false; } const currentDate = new Date().getTime(); const startDate = new Date(config.startDate); return currentDate < startDate; } function isAnnouncementActive(config) { return !isScheduled(config) && !hasEnded(config); } function essentialAnnouncementsCountViews() { if (Shopify.shop === "3f80fc.myshopify.com") { return; } let views = 0; const shop = window.Shopify ? window.Shopify.shop : window.location.origin; const bars = document.querySelectorAll( ".essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper:not(.cart_drawer)" ); if (bars && bars.length > 0) { views += bars.length; } if (!views || !shop) { return; } fetch("https://essential-apps-analytics.herokuapp.com/announcement_event", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ shop, views }), }); } if ( Shopify.shop === "7c1e1d.myshopify.com" && document.querySelector(".essential_annoucement_bar_wrapper") ) { return; } addAnnouncementBar(); window.triggeraddAnnouncementBar = addAnnouncementBar; setTimeout(() => { essentialAnnouncementsCountViews(); }, 200); })();